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Loan Application Process

Understand DIfferent loans

Not all home loans are the same. Knowing what kind of loan is most appropriate for your situation prepares you for talking to lenders and getting the best deal.

Gather your Paperwork

Lenders need to know your financial situation. We understand it could be tedious to prepare paperworks. You may not need all of them. Talk to our experts to confirm!

Get pre-approval

This is where DCapital Lending starts to help! You need this letter to negotiate your home purchasing offer. A prequalification or preapproval letter is a document from a lender stating that the lender is tentatively willing to lend to you, up to a certain loan amount.

Create application and Get loan estimate

Now you need to create your loan application! With the help of our experts, it couldn't be easier! Our experts will send you the loan estimate within three business days!

Get final approval and funding

You will not bother to worry about the details here. Your real estate agent and the sellers will work together to find an escrow/title company to take care of the funding of your loan once it has been approved. We'll work with this company to ensure the papers your lender will require are available, and you'll likely sign everything at their office. We will work with this company to set your date of closing. 

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